Operations Support Systems (OSS) give Communications Service Providers (CSPs) the software they need to manage their telecommunications network. Business Support Systems (BSS) help them monetize these networks and optimize their business processes.

Today, operators face a host of operational challenges as they evolve to all-IP-based next-generation networks. They are, however, keen to make the switch as it promises to eventually reduce the cost of operations while enhancing the customer experience. Though it involves multiple technologies, interfaces, vendors, and domains, the next-gen OSS is capable of redefining the CSPs’ quality of services (QoS) through seamless network and service configurations that will streamline operations.
Watch recording: Webinar on zero-touch networks.
Using a carrier-grade OSS BSS solution, CSPs can offer customers, business and service experiences like never before. And as BSS solutions revolve around billing, charging and settlement, they play a key role in revenue management. Armed with the ability to manage customer data, quickly addressing billing issues, creating and offering new services, and so on, CSPs can increase operational efficiency while lowering their own costs. Further, BSS solutions allow operators to configure new offers and implement these changes in a fraction of the time they needed with legacy systems. This means they can offer new plans to customers quickly and accelerate time-to-market.
A BSS offering supports operators on three fronts: product management, customer management, and order management. The first module enables the creation of innovative, personalized plans and promotional offers and data bundles at different price points. The second provides detailed customer records, using which operators can offer relevant, personalized and more efficient resolutions. This module also helps create 24x7 web self-care to offer extensive customer relationship management. The third module helps with order orchestration fulfillment and provisioning.
Together, OSS and BSS increase operational efficiency, reduce time-to-market and operational expenditure, and offer the opportunity to maximize revenue, while improving quality of services and the overall customer experience.